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17 Ergebnisse.

The Five Tibetan Rites

Kelder, Peter / Witt, Carolinda
The Five Tibetan Rites
With renowned practitioner and teacher Carolinda Witt. This book contains the original 1939 story of the discovery of the Tibetan monks and their ancient secret of the fountain of youth-combined with loads of useful advice and information from Carolinda's 20 years of teaching. Originally published as 'The Eye of Revelation' in 1939, this book has been faithfully reproduced from the scans of rare copies of the actual books-and includes the 1946...

CHF 19.90

The Eye of Revelation 1939 & 1946 Editions Combined

Kelder, Peter / Witt, Carolinda
The Eye of Revelation 1939 & 1946 Editions Combined
With experienced teacher and practitioner Carolinda Witt. This book includes the original 1939 story about the anti-aging benefits of "The Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation." It is the first time the 1946 updates with a new chapter, and additional instructions have been blended together in one edition. Carolinda provides extra information, resources & illustrations from her 21 years of teaching.Carolinda is the author of the in-depth The Illu...

CHF 14.50

Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth Book 2

Kelder, Peter
Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth Book 2
Completes the Fountain of Youth health programme, with information on a variety of topics discussed on: the history and origins of the Five Rites, valuable insights about how the Rites work, diet suggestions, and easy-to-follow exercises. This title is illustrated with fifty black-and-white photographs.

CHF 28.50

Die Fünf »Tibeter«®

Kelder, Peter / Baker, Christopher
Die Fünf »Tibeter«®
Mehr als 1, 3 Millionen Tibeter öffnen Horizonte. Das klassische und bewährte Programm für Gesundheit, Vitalität und LebensfreudeDas Erfolgsgeheimnis der Tibeter ist ganz einfach: Sie machen Spaß - und wirken!

CHF 23.90

I cinque tibetani

Kelder, Peter / Faccia, M.
I cinque tibetani
Dopo "I cinque tibetani" che ha rivelato il segreto della Fonte di Giovinezza attraverso la pratica di antichi riti tibetani, viene proposto un seguito per rispondere alle esigenze dei lettori che desideravano notizie più dettagliate. In questo nuovo manuale sono contenute informazioni relative alla dieta, alla respirazione, all'energetica della voce che completano gli esercizi proposti da Kelder.

CHF 35.90

Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth

Kelder, Peter
Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth
Offering practical instruction on how to perform the Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation, which will take only minutes a day, many practitioners have experienced benefits, including increased energy, weight loss, better memory, new hair growth, pain relief, better digestion, and feeling overall more youthful.Legend has it that hidden in the remote reaches of the Himalayan mountains lies a secret that would have saved Ponce de Leon from years of frui...

CHF 19.50

Secretos tibetanos de la eterna juventud

Kelder, Peter
Secretos tibetanos de la eterna juventud
Una explicación detallada de los Cinco Ritos Tibetanos, ilustrada con abundantes fotografías y con importante información sobre la alimentación, las posturas, la respiración, los chakras y el manejo de la energía.

CHF 15.00

Tibetin Genclik Pinari

Kelder, Peter
Tibetin Genclik Pinari
Bu kitap Genclik PinarininKadim sirlarini bulmak icin uzakVe gizemli himalaya daglarina giden ve onu bulan bir adamin gercek öyküsüdür.Binlerce yil boyunca yasak Tibet bölgelerinin derinliklerinde gizlenen kayip manastir, büyük bir özenle korunan genclik sirlarina sahiptir.Bu sir uygulamasi son derece kolay ama insani yasamini sonsuza dek degistirme gücüne sahip olan bes kadim ayindir.Bu kitap bu manastirda yasanan Lamalardan ögrenilen olaganü...

CHF 14.50


Kelder, Peter / Watt, J. W.
Learn Tibetan Secrets For: * Age Reversal * Renewed Health * Greater Sexual Energy * Hair Regrowth * Positive Affirmations Read the Truth About: * How the Rites Are Really Performed. * Distortions to Kelder¿s Message Explore the Hidden History of the Tibetan Rites: * Did the Secret Lamasery Exist? * Were Peter Kelder and Colonel Bradford Real People? * Who Really Wrote the Eye of Revelation? * What was Colonel Bradford¿s True Name? Solve these...

CHF 41.50

Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth, Book 2: A Compan...

Kelder, Peter
Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth, Book 2: A Companion to the Book by Peter Kelder
Finally, the exciting and long-awaited sequel to one of the biggest health and healing bestsellers of all time has arrived. When Peter Kelder's Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth was released by Harbor Press in 1985, it immediately touched off an incredible sales phenomenon rivaled only by The Celestine Prophecy and Conversations with God. In this book, readers were introduced to the Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation, a series of exercises de...

CHF 29.90


Kelder, Peter / Watt, J. W.
Two thousand five hundred years ago, Tibetan monks developed a series of just five exercises, called "rites, " which heal and rejuvenate. This is Peter Kelder's "lost" 1946 "Eye of Revelation" with new information about these Tibetan Rites and their history.

CHF 58.90

I cinque tibetani. L'antico segreto della fonte della gio...

Kelder, Peter / Faccia, M. / Valdrè, E.
I cinque tibetani. L'antico segreto della fonte della giovinezza
Questo libro rivela cinque antichi riti tibetani che ci offrono la chiave per ottenere giovinezza, salute e vitalità durature. È la storia di un uomo che sfida le lande remote e misteriose dell'Himalaya per scoprire il segreto di tutti i tempi: la miracolosa "Fonte della Giovinezza" della leggenda. Seguitelo nel viaggio verso un monastero nascosto nella profondità del Tibet proibito, unitevi a lui nella scoperta... Per migliaia di anni questi ...

CHF 24.00

Die Fünf »Tibeter«®

Kelder, Peter
Die Fünf »Tibeter«®
Sanfte Wellness mit den Fünf "Tibetern"®In einem verborgenen Kloster im Himalaja entdeckte Peter Kelder die Quelle ewiger Jugend. Mit den Übungen der Fünf "Tibeter"® lernte er den sanften Weg zu Wellness - den Schlüssel zu mehr Lebendigkeit und Körperbewusstsein. Über 1, 3 Millionen Menschen steigern heute allein in Deutschland ihr Wohlbefinden mit diesen Übungen. 15 Minuten "Tibetern"® täglich und Sie sind fit! ·

CHF 27.90